Contraction means to shorten a word or phrase by omitting oneor more sounds or letters from it. The word so formed is alsocalled a contraction. Discussed below are the various contractionsused in spoken English.The apostrophe has two uses: To show that we have made words shorter. We have contractedthem. To show that something belongs to…
+900 Opposite Words in Englishππ about β exactlyabove β belowabsence β presenceabundance β lackaccept β refuseaccidental β intentionalactive β lazyadd β subtractadmit β denyadult β childadvanced β elementaryaffirmative β negativeafraid β braveafter β beforeagainst β foralike β differentalive β deadall β noneallow β forbidalready β not yetalways β neverancient β modernancestor β descendantagree β refuseamateur…
SemicolonsA semicolon (;) is a punctuation mark that is used to separate and connect independent clauses or when something stronger than a comma is needed. Most often, semicolons are used to connect two independent clauses instead of using a comma + conjunction. Writers use semicolons instead of conjunctions for stylistic effect and when the two…
A candidate’s understanding of a given passage can be judged in several ways. you may be asked to paraphrase or summaries the meaning of the entire passage in a few lines. Generally, paraphrasing comprises rewriting the meaning of the given passage in your own words – while retaining the original idea or thought. However, the…
ROOT WORDS, PREFIXES AND SUFFIXESAffixesOne method of understanding the meanings of new words is to analyze thedifferent parts of the word and the meanings of those parts. Many newwords are formed by adding an affix to the beginning or end of a Latin orGreek root or root word. When affixes are added to the beginning…
SPELLING RULES AND TIPSThere are some tricky English words like necessary, Mediterranean, orrhythm whose spelling you just have to learn. But plenty of others do followspecial rules. Plural of nouns Most nouns make their plurals by simply adding -s to the end (cat / cats,book / books, journey / journeys). Some do change their endings,…
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