
A report is written for a clear purpose and to a particular audience. Specific information and evidence are presented, analyzed and applied to a particular problem or issue. When you are asked to write a report you will usually be given a report brief which provides you with instructions and guidelines.

What makes a good report?

1. An effective report presents and analyses facts and evidence that are relevant to the specific problem of issue of the report brief.

2. Well written report will demonstrate your ability to

  • Understand the purpose of the report brief and adhere to its specifications.
  • Gather and analyze relevant information.
  • Structure the material in a logical and coherent order.
  • Present your report in a consistent manner according to the instructions of the report brief.
  • Make appropriate coherence that are supportably the evidence and analysis of the report.
  • Make thoughtful and practical recommendations where required.

                3. The structure described below can be adapted and applied to chapters, sections and paragraphs.

  • Introduce – the main idea.
  • Explain –  expand the idea
  • Present- relevant evidence to support your point(s)
  • Comment- an each piece of evidence showing how it relates to your point(s)
  • Conclude- showing its significance to the report as a whole.

           4. A. A report is written in the third person.

     B. The passive voice is preferred in writing reports.

     C. A news report must answer the questions, when, where, how and why.


  1. In order to raise for the victims of recent earthquake, your school organized a cultural night in which the student artists of your school and these from neighborhood schools presented various colorful programmes such as songs, dances, fancy dress shows, also made a guest appearance, you were also present as a reporter to cover the programme. Write a report in 150 words for your paper.

                                  A CULTURAL NIGHT FOR NOBLE CAUSE                                                                                                                                                         — Rosy

Hyderabad, May 10: The rural ZPHS School organized a ‘cultural Night’ on May 8, at Lions Bhawan, Secundrabad. The student artists of the school and those from two neighborhood schools participated in the show. The purpose of function was to collect funds for the victims of recent earthquake in Jammu and Kashmir and other states. The function was inaugurated by Mr. Ravishekar, (Head Master) Hyderabad. The highlight of the show was singer, A.R.Rehman, who enthralled the audience with one of his all-time popular songs.

            The programme started with ‘Saraswati’ Vandana’, folk songs and dances, skits, comic shows, fashion show and so on. Our plays entertained the audience greatly. Prizes were awarded to the best artists in different items. The event was able to collect 10 lakhs which will be handed over to prime minister for special relief fund for earthquake victims.

2. You are Recta of ZPHS School, Hyderabad, you visited the science exhibition organized by the city schools recently. Write a brief report in about 150 words for your school magazine on what you saw, the exhibit you liked most and other special features of the exhibition.

                                    A UNIQUE SCIENCE EXHIBITION

                                                                                                          — Reeta

            Hyderabad, May 14th: Four leading schools of the city put up a unique science exhibition in the auditorium of the local ZPHS School for a week from 6th -13thMay. The purpose was to increase interest of the students in science, and there were wonderful models displayed. A large number of students and parents visited the exhibition on almost all days. The science teachers who acted as guides took pains to explain to the visitors everything in a simple and lucid way.

            Among the most interesting exhibits was a walking stick for the blind. It would warn them against water and electricity dangers. There was model of a car which could run in hydrogen. Then there were models of dinosaurs, dodos, Greek sucks and many other birds and animals which have gone extinct. It was made clear how most of these creatures fell victim to the greed of humans.

              On the closing day, a function was organized and prizes were awarded to the best entries in different sections. The numbers of participants and visitors showed that the exhibition was a grand success.


  1. You recently attended a camp organized by the SPCA-Society for prevention of cruelty to animals. Prepare a repeat about it to be published in your school magazine in about 100-150. Sign as Sagar/ Sagarika.
  • 21th April, 2018 was celebrated as international Yoga Day for the 1st time across the Worlds. Write a news report for your school magazine about the significance of the day and the way the day was observed in India by our P.M. Mr. Narendra Modi. You may use the following clues: United Nations General Assembly- declared- 21st April-world Yoga Day- Narendra Modi- UN Assembly – 170 countries – celebrations-Indai-Rajpath-35,000 participats-35 minutes.
  • Write a news report using the following hints:

ISRO- Satish Bhavan Space Centre-104 satellites- Netherlands, Switzerland, Israel, Kazakhstan, UAE- India 1st to lunch- Russia-37 satellites 2014-the polar satellites launch vehicles (PSLV)- blasted 10:58 p.m, Feb 14, 2017-101 satellites released -18 minutes-each travel speech 27,000 km per hour-June 2015 ISRO- 23 satellites-one rocket-PM Narendra Modi congratulated.

  • Uday Kiran and Siva Prasad received the National Bravery award saving the lives of people from drowning. Write a respect to the Hindu about their felicitation.
  • Four people with masks on their faces and guns in their hands robbed ‘ABC” bank, Hyderabad in broad day light. They threatened the people that they would shoot them if they did not obey them. They broke open the lockers and looted. All the money and gold in them. One man who tried to raise an alarm was who knocked down. Report the incident.
  • Chain snatching cases are on the rise in the cities, Jabalpur the other day you yours yourself witnessed such an incident. Two men came on a two wheeler and the pillion rider pulled the chain from a women and field away at a great speed. No police was seen in that busy crowded junction. Write a report o it for than the “The Hindu”.
  • You have witnessed a cultural program. As a news reporter, write a report about it to a daily.
  • You are the student of a Rout. High school. As a secretary of your school curricular activities club, you visited a slum area in your city where the people suffered a great loss of life and property in a massive fire. The student of your school rendered their services and material help to the items. Write a report in 10-12 sentences for your school magazine.

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