✴️“O lady: we receive but what we give and in our life alone does nature live” Coleridge
✴️“For men may come and men may go but I go on forever” The Brook
✴️Sensation novel, Mystery story are associated with Wikie Collins
✴️“Arts Longa, Vita Briers” Art is long and time is fleeting” Longfellow
✴️“A Hyena in Petticoats”- Marry Wollstonecraft
✴️“Left Book Club: was founded by Victor Golding
✴️“First Nobel Prize for literature was started in 1900
✴️ #An_Epic_Poetry is “As civilization advances, poetry almost necessarily declines” Macaulay
✴️“The best luck all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity” Second Coming –WB Yeats
✴️“The errors of evaluating a poem by its emotional effect”-Effective Fallacy
✴️Dryden says, “Donne affects the metaphysic” in which book? –Discourse of Satire.
✴️“Mad, bad and dangerous to know” about Byron –Lady Caroline lamb
✴️Romanticism “Addition of strangeness to beauty” Walter Pater
✴️“The splendid Shilling”-John Philip and “Paradise Lost” Milton are the parodies
✴️Apologies for Poetry, Sidney is writer against- Stephen Gosson
✴️ #Oxford_movement: Opposed to rationalism, anti-rationalism, interested in Biblical miracles
✴️The developer of Euphemism: John Lyly
✴️A lioness has whelped in the streets and graves have yawned and yielded up the dead”-Romeo and Juliat by Shakespeare
✴️Broken narrative, new private vocabulary, sardonic humour are the features_of_James_Joyce
✴️“I have a smack of Hamlet myself if I may say so”- Coleridge
✴️ #The_Neoclassical_Age, The Age_of_Dryden, the Age of Reason, Restoration are the name of the same age
✴️Faire Queen, #Divine_Comedy, Pilgrims progress are the allegories
✴️“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” Winston Churchill
✴️ #Essays_on_criticism by Pope: it was influenced by Boliau and Aristotle
✴️We all have sufficient strength to bear other people’s misfortune” La Rochefouenld
✴️Winter is come and gone but grief returns with the revolving year- In Memoriam
✴️ #Movement_Poet: Philip Larkin
✴️Light breaks where no sun shines: Dylon Thomas
✴️He found English a dialect and left it a language: Lowes about Chaucer
✴️Here lies my wife, here let her lie, Now he is at rest, and so am I.- #John_Dryden
✴️Sons of Belial flown with insolence and wine: Milton referred to court writer of Restoration
✴️A cynic is the man who knows the price of everything and value of nothing.- #Oscar_wilde
✴️ #18th_century is the #age_of_prose and reason: Matthew Arnold
✴️ #Comedy_of_Manners: Courtship satire and wit
✴️It is a truth universally acknowledge, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.- #Pride_and_Prejudice
✴️A book should help us either to enjoy life or to endure it” Dr.Johnson
✴️To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour’s: #William_Blake
✴️“An unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates
✴️ #The_stream_of_consciousness mode of fiction writing: Dorothy Richardson
✴️ #Tragic_Flaw in #Hamlet: Noble Inaction.
✴️Picaresque Novel: Realistic in manner, Episodic in structure, satiric in aim.
✴️ #Romanticism ” addition of strangeness to beauty” Walter Pater