English Grammar


SYNTHESIS OF SENTENCES Synthesis of sentences is the process of combining simple sentences, using coordinative conjunctions, to form Compound Sentences. Ex: the wind blew. The rain fell. The lightning flashed. These are the sentences. Now, we can combine all three sentences to form a ‘compound sentence’. The wind blew , the rain fell and the…

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QUESTION TAGS Question tags are formed with auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the appropriate subject. A positive statement is followed by a negative question tag. Jack is from Spain, isn’t he? Mary can speak English, can’t she? A negative statement is followed by a positive question tag. They aren’t funny, are they?…

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CONDITIONAL CLAUSES There are four kinds: The zero conditional: (if + simple present, … simple present)       If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. The first conditional: (if + simple present, … will + infinitive) If it rains tomorrow, we’ll go to movie. The second conditional: (if + simple past, … would +…

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ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE VOICE What is a voice? Voice is a term used to describe whether a verb is active or passive.   In a passive sentence, the verb is said to be in passive voice. Similarly, the verb in active sentence is said to be in active voice.   the voice verb tells…

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SPEECH Introduction: There are two ways to convey a message of a person, or the words spoken by to other person. Direct speech Indirect speech Suppose your friend whose name is John tells you in school, “I will give you a pen”. You come to home and you want to tell your father what your…

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English Exercises for CLAT Directions (1-4): pick up the correct synonyms for each of the following words. EFFACE Wipe out     (b)Weaken       (c)Insult       (d)Repair BLITHE Graceful         (b)Joyous (c)Giddy              (d)Other worldly ERRAND Foolishness        (b) Mission        (c) Misadventure       (d) Error RIBALD Vulgar       (b) Attractive       (c) Refined        (d) Indifferent          [Answers – a, b, b, a ] Directions(5-8): in…

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PUNCTUATION why do we need punctuation? Punctuation marks are essential when you are writing. They show the reader where sentences start and finish and if they are used properly, they make your writing easy to understand. This section gives practical guidance on how to use commas, semicolons, and other types of punctuations correctly, so that…

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JUMBLED SENTENCE Rearrangement of jumbled sentence to make a meaningful paragraph. Important points to note: Generally, there is a central point, idea, thought or a personality about which a paragraph is written. Try to locate the sentence which contains such matter. Mostly such a sentence forms the first or the last sentence of paragraph. There…

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READING COMPREHENSION STRATEGY Reading comprehension asked under English section in CLAT can be assumed to be an easy and ‘not to be left’ section (Easy because all the answers are contained in the passage itself). It all depends on your ability to read a particular passage in a given time (usually 5-7 minutes) and then…

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COMPREHENSION PASSAGE EXERCISES PASSAGE 1 Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the four alternatives and mark your answer.  Good writing should be governed by the rule that a man can think only one thing clearly at a time; and therefore, that he should not be expected to think two or even…

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